Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Vitamin B2; Benefits and Deficiency

buy vitamin b2
Vitamin B2 or Riboflavin is called the “beauty vitamin since the condition of the skin, nails, and hair depends on the normal concentration of this substance in our body. Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is one of the most important water-soluble vitamins. Considering the necessity of nutrition in a human body, to avoid vitamin B2 deficiency, people must buy vitamin B2 supplements. It will act as an antioxidant in the body.

Physical and Chemical Properties of Vitamin B2

B2 is a yellow-orange crystal, collected in large flasks, and has a bitter taste. Riboflavin is a stable acid and can get quickly destroyed in an alkaline medium. It tolerates heat well. Riboflavin is a biologically, active substance that plays an important role in maintaining human health. The biological role of riboflavin is determined by the inclusion of its derivatives - coenzymes - in the composition of a large number of the most important redox enzymes.

Food Sources of Vitamin B2

Foods with the highest vitamin B2 content are; liver (3.5 mg per 100 g of product) and kidney (3.5 mg), eggs (0.3 mg), almonds (0.8 mg), mushrooms (0.4 mg) , cheese (0.3 mg), buckwheat (0.2 mg), milk (0.15 mg), meat (0.29 mg), and yeast (3 mg).

Useful Properties of vitamin B2

Vitamin B2 is necessary for the formation of red blood cells and antioxidants for regulating the growth and reproductive functions in the body. It is also necessary for healthy skin, nails, hair growth, and, in general, for the health of the whole body, including the function of the thyroid gland. Essential functions of vitamin B2:
  • Participates in carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism;
  • Participates in the synthesis of glycogen;
  • Helps absorb the iron needed to create new red blood cells;
  • Strengthens the immune system and defense mechanisms of the body;
  • According to various researches, vitamin b2 plays an important role in the nervous system, helps in the treatment of diseases such as epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease, and increased anxiety;
  • Necessary to maintain the normal state of the mucous membranes of the mouth and intestines;
  • Regulates the function of the thyroid gland;
  • It contributes to normal light and color vision, protects the retina from excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays, reduces eye fatigue, provides adaptation to darkness, improves visual acuity and plays a crucial role in preventing cataracts;
  • Helps with acne, dermatitis, eczema;
  • Accelerates the healing of damaged tissue;
  • It reduces the effects of toxins on the lungs and respiratory tract.

Harmful Properties of Vitamin B2

Harmful property of vitamin B2 is the possible obesity of the liver. However, this condition can occur only in the case of absorption of vitamin complexes in uncontrolled modes and abuse of various dietary supplements.

Vitamin B2 Absorption

Vitamin B2 is well absorbed from food, but it has some peculiarities. From vegetables, it is absorbed better if they are heat treated before. People who use B2 as a dietary supplement should remember that this vitamin is only absorbed when there is enough food in the stomach. If taken on an empty stomach, riboflavin has a negative impact on health. Also, if a person is on a strict diet and eats very little, it reduces the digestibility of B2.

Vitamin B2 Deficiency in the Body

External manifestations of riboflavin deficiency in humans are ulceration in the corners of the mouth, swelling and redness of the tongue, seborrheic dermatitis on the nasolabial fold, and wings of the nose, ears, and eyelids. Often, changes on the part of the organs of vision also develop that is called photophobia, corneal vascularization, conjunctivitis, keratitis, and in some cases, cataract (calorizator). In some cases with vitamin deficiency anemia and nervous disorders occur, manifested in muscle weakness, burning pain in the legs, etc.
The main causes of riboflavin deficiency in humans are insufficient intake of milk and dairy products, which are the main sources of this vitamin.

Excess Vitamin B2 in the Body

The human body does not accumulate riboflavin, and any excess is excreted through urine. With an excess of riboflavin, urine turns bright yellow. Signs of excess vitamin B2: impaired iron absorption, increased tendon reflexes, cerebral insufficiency, dizziness, rarely itching, numbness, burning sensation, or tingling.


vitamin B2 is one of the most crucial vitamins of which a human body is in need. Since it is impossible to get the exact necessary amount of this vitamin from the dietary products, we advise our visitors to buy Vitamin B2 as a supplement. To buy vitamin B2, it is advised to consult a doctor to get the necessary doze that is required.

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