Vitamin D, or calciferol, is extremely important for a
growing body - it promotes the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, which
dairy products are rich in, and also enriches bone tissue with minerals and
regulates the production of thyroid hormones. It is necessary for good growth
and strengthening of bones and health of the nervous system. Therefore, it is
quite necessary for individuals to buy Vitamin D supplements from health supplement suppliers.
Classic properties of vitamin D:
- Healthy bones and muscles. Vitamin D plays an important role in calcium absorption. It regulates calcium-phosphorus metabolism in the body, promotes growth, strengthens the skeleton, and corrects bone mineralization. Therefore, for growth and proper development, doctors often prescribe vitamin D intake even to newborns and adolescents during the period of active growth in order to avoid abnormal bone development (rickets). At the age of maturity and old age, a lack of vitamin D can lead to a softening of the bones (osteomalacia), a deficiency increases the risk of osteoporosis and fractures.
- Health and beauty of teeth. Without vitamin D, the formation of teeth is disturbed. They get more fragile. The enamel is thinned. Caries develops more often in those who have a deficiency of vitamin D.
Neoclassical indications of vitamin D:
- Immunity activation: reduces the risk of developing a cold, flu, and autoimmune diseases. Tip: If you are tired of frequent colds, it makes sense to start taking vitamin D.
- Increases performance, concentration, memory, and learning ability. Scientists have noticed that people with lower levels of vitamin D are worse than others at taking exams and have more difficulty in making decisions and solving tasks that require attention and concentration.
- Controls blood sugar and prevent diabetes. Diabetes occurs due to a lack of insulin or insufficient secretion. Since calcium is essential for insulin production, vitamin D helps maintain the secretion of this hormone.
- Cancer protection. Vitamin D deficiency is associated with increased risks of developing breast, colon, and prostate cancer.
- Helps fight cardiovascular diseases, since this vitamin is involved in the regulation of blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and inflammation.
- It contributes to the regulation of hormones and improves mood. Low levels of vitamin D can also interfere with the proper production of testosterone and estrogen.
Who is at risk?
- People over 45 years old. With age, human metabolism slows down, which interferes with the independent synthesis of vitamin D with the sun and food.
- People with dark skin. Nature has conceived, so that dark skin blocks the synthesis of vitamin D. According to studies, 90% of people with dark skin pigmentation suffer from a lack of vitamin D.
- People using SPF protection. Almost all face and body creams contain SPF protection, which blocks the synthesis of vitamin D. The widespread use of UV protectors, even in the northern countries, contributes to the development of vitamin D deficiency in the
- Obesity and excess weight blocks the synthesis of vitamin D.
- A sedentary lifestyle puts most nutrients in a sleeping state, including vitamin D, and also slows down the metabolism that interferes with the independent synthesis of vitamin D with the sun and food.
- The predominance of plant foods in the human diet (excluding milk, liver, oily fish, and eggs) reduces the intake of vitamin D in the body.
- People of large industrial cities. When the pollution level of most large cities exceeds the limit, industrial emissions and dust do not allow the required spectrum of UV rays, necessary for the synthesis of vitamin D, to travel to the human body.
Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency.
A blood test will help to make sure that you have a vitamin
D deficiency. However, there are a number of symptoms indicating its
- You feel constant fatigue and lack of strength.
- You are chased by frequent colds.
- Distraction and inability in concentrating
- You regularly notice a bad mood for no apparent reason.
- You are confused by the deterioration of hair, nails, and skin
- Experiencing muscle fatigue or pain in bones and muscles
- Began to notice sweating of the scalp
If any of the above concerns you, there is a reason to
think, perhaps you are already developing a vitamin D deficiency. Therefore, to avoid vitamin D deficiency, we always advise
our reader to get the supplements from health supplement suppliers, and the best place to buy vitamins online uk is Vital Key. It is
necessary for people at the age of maturity and old people. Moreover, most of
the health supplement suppliers in the northern regions of the world are
concentrating on selling Vitamin D due to the fact that the residents over
there are lacking it. Considering the diet of people these days, Vitamin D has
become a necessity.
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